I am also having dnsmasp blow out on me. I have not had time to troubleshoot it, but it never starts up right on it's onw and I have to start it manually from the exec.php which looses the "register leases in dnsforwarder" option.
This is on 1.8.2b568
Jun 17 15:39:12 dnsmasq[64815]: read /etc/hosts - 18 addresses
Jun 17 15:39:12 dnsmasq[64815]: using nameserver
Jun 17 15:39:12 dnsmasq[64815]: using nameserver
Jun 17 15:39:12 dnsmasq[64815]: reading /etc/resolv.conf
Jun 17 15:39:12 dnsmasq[64815]: compile time options: IPv6 GNU-getopt ISC no-DBus no-i18n no-IDN DHCP DHCPv6 no-Lua no-TFTP no-conntrack no-ipset no-auth
Jun 17 15:39:12 dnsmasq[64815]: started, version 2.66 cachesize 150
Jun 17 15:36:35 kernel: pid 64768 (dnsmasq), uid 65534, was killed: out of swap space
Jun 17 15:36:26 dhcpd: For info, please visit https://www.isc.org/software/dhcp/
Jun 17 15:36:26 dhcpd: All rights reserved.
Jun 17 15:36:26 dhcpd: Copyright 2004-2012 Internet Systems Consortium.
Jun 17 15:36:26 dhcpd: Internet Systems Consortium DHCP Server 4.1-ESV-R7
Jun 17 15:36:24 dnsmasq[64768]: using nameserver
Jun 17 15:36:24 dnsmasq[64768]: using nameserver
Jun 17 15:36:24 dnsmasq[64768]: reading /etc/resolv.conf
Jun 17 15:36:24 dnsmasq[64768]: compile time options: IPv6 GNU-getopt ISC no-DBus no-i18n no-IDN DHCP DHCPv6 no-Lua no-TFTP no-conntrack no-ipset no-auth
Jun 17 15:36:24 dnsmasq[64768]: started, version 2.66 cachesize 150
Jun 17 15:36:23 dnsmasq[228]: exiting on receipt of SIGTERM
Check in the 'DNS forwarder' section in the 'DNS forwarder override hosts' if the hostname is the same as the alias name.
If so, change or remove the alias name and see if that helps: