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Topic: How to cfg DNS forwarding to watch IP webcams from LAN  (Read 3692 times)
« on: March 23, 2007, 10:34:24 »
softikuss *
Posts: 6

I would like to resolve about a dozen dyndns webcam adresses like until

which point to internal IP adresses like until through m0n0walls dns forwarding service. This should work in such a way  that I can watch those ip cams from inside (lan) and outside (wan). At present, everything works fine from outside (WAN) side and I could also manage to forward one single webcam (port) to its corresponding internal ip webcam and port address.

But how can I setup all my dns forwarding addresses at once?

At present, I have an DNS Router and Modem (Netgear DG834, WAN side DHCP dynamic IP through provider, LAN side fixed IP which does forward all port requests from 8065 until 8072 to the m0n0wall WAN side (

The m0n0wall distinguishes (via NAT) the port requests (e.g. 8065) and forwards it to the corresponding internal webcam (e.g., port 8065).

How can I manage that all requests from LAN side (e.g. PCs with 90.0.0.x addresses) show the webcam images (and streams) are correctly resolved?
« Last Edit: March 23, 2007, 13:01:30 by softikuss »
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2007, 23:54:46 »
cmb *****
Posts: 851

Assuming the external ports all map to different ports internally, you can't. You'll need different bookmarks, or links, or whatever to use internally.
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2007, 23:57:52 »
cmb *****
Posts: 851

sorry for the topic move, I thought this was under captive portal at first, which wasn't appropriate. I moved it back, it's fine here.
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