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Topic: Set DHCP service as NON AUTHORITATIVE DHCP server  (Read 4739 times)
« on: October 19, 2007, 11:31:53 »
stvlinux *
Posts: 1

I want set my M0n0Wall as DHCP backup server, then if I set it in mode NON AUTHORITATIVE mode  when is present another dhcp server (the master) m0n0 don't release any dhcp address.

Now I  edit the file /var/etc/dhcp.conf in m0n0 and comment the line where is set authoritative . In this mode  it's work right as I want.
But when i restart my m0n0 my setting dissaper and if i look the /var/etc/dhcpd.con file i see that authoritative "enable". 
How can I do ?

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