Hi. I have an Ipsec VPN between M0n0 with firmware 1.3b4 and Ipcop running. The tunnel is on static ip on both sites. Encryption algorithm is AES 128 bit, hash algorithm SHA1 and DH key group 5. The tunnel goes up just fine, but when users from behind Ipcop are connecting to a php website on a server behind M0n0 they get time out. Similar problem exists when users from behind Ipcop try to use a proxy server which is behind M0n0. They get time out. Only when trying to browse small and simple sites like Google etc. they get a complete website from proxy server. What I did was to forward ports on M0n0 from WAN to the server hosting proxy and Apache server on lan and told the users from behind Ipcop to connect to the public address of M0n0 and everything worked just fine ! But it's not what I want to achieve. I would like that traffic to proxy server and Apache server would go through Ipsec VPN for security reaseons. I already enabled Allow fregmented Ipsec packets option and all rules in M0n0 have the Allow fragmented packets options enabled but this doesn't help. Can anyone help me with this ? Or maybe someone had similar issues with M0n0 to Ipcop Ipsec VPN ? TIA