You can use Pass-thru IP addresses as well. Assign your TiVo to a static DHCP assigned IP address and put that IP in the captive portal Pass-Thru IP list.
Do you have a router between the tivo and m0no? That would cause the MAC to not be passed to m0n0 and therefore the tivo would not be able to pass-thru. That is why you should use IP.
Thanks for pointing this out. Since I set up the captive portal on my home network, the Tivo lost the ability to connect, throwing vague "n13" errors, even with its MAC address on the pass-through list. Sure enough, this was the problem.
I worked around it tonight by briefly spoofing the Tivo's MAC address from a laptop and firing up a browser, but this is a hurdle for all kinds of networked devices that don't speak HTTP.