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Topic: Prioritized traffic  (Read 2278 times)
« on: October 29, 2007, 22:48:18 »
ervin23 *
Posts: 5

I have a NTP server polling 4 stratum 1 servers with an interval from 1 min to 17min.

Having a heavy download eats up my bandwidth (2Mb line) and my time server goes bananas (heavy network delays)

Anyway I can traffic shape the time server requests (20kbit if all request accidentally happens at the same time) so the pipe of 20kbit are always prioritized ??

best regards  ervin   
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2007, 08:52:42 »
Max2950 ***
Posts: 120


You might create a queue with weight 1 and the appropriate rule to put your NTP trafic in it. I noticed that when you add up your key weights you should no exceed a total of 100, this leads to problems when all the bandwidth being used. I calculated the weights according to my actual bandwidth and treated weight as percentages....

Hope this helps... Wink
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