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Topic: Cant access website or FTP locally  (Read 2994 times)
« on: March 26, 2007, 04:12:02 »
redline *
Posts: 1

I love MonoWall and all it can do however Im having trouble accessing my website and FTP from my LAN, both which are hosted from IIS 6.0 on server 2003(also hosts DNS). Works fine offsite through WAN and I can PING my domain name through MonoWall Diagnostics. I have read section 16.3 in the manual but do not fully understand how to set this up. If anyone has done this and can explain the process in Layman's terms I would appreciate it much.
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2007, 11:26:57 »
bitonw **
Posts: 79

well that's how m0n0wall works... m0n0wall doesn't have a bounce until. so i doesn't forward a private ip# pointed to the outside interface nat address of your local web / ftp box.

you don't write if that web / ftp box lives on a lan or dmz network.

if it lives on your lan, did you try to connect to that box via it's private ip# from your lan boxes? that should work. since you dns is also on that web / ftp box you can make exceptions for the lan boxes to use the real lan ip of that web / ftp box and not using the nat public address -> lan address.
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