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Topic: Version 1.3b4 locks up on reboot when using VLANs (generic PC)  (Read 2663 times)
« on: November 05, 2007, 00:58:22 »
Danne *
Posts: 10

I had a perfectly working m0n0wall with 4 vlan interfaces only. The parent interface was an Intel fxp. When I wanted to move that NIC to another machine, I saved the config and reinstalled the NIC into the other computer.

I set up a basic config just to get the web gui up, then uploaded the previous config.xml file and connected the interface back to the switch. Upon rebooting, I couldn't ping the LAN interface. I defaulted the config, keeping the interface connected to the switch, and configured the VLAN during the initial config (matching the vlan order of the config.xml). I could ping the LAN interface IP, but as soon as I rebooted the unit, without restoring the config, I could no longer ping the LAN interface.

Just to be sure, I defaulted the m0n0wall, and made a basic config without vlans and successfully rebooted multiple times. I also tried changing interfaces (dc and xl), as well as, moving back to the original PC. Each time producing identical results under each circumstance.

Lastly, using the fxp interface,  I created a basic, non-vlan config then I immediately downgraded the firmware to 1.231. I then restored the original config.xml (4 vlan, ect...) and everything worked as expected...using the new target PC.

Maybe someone else can verify this.

Edited title to more properly reflect the problem
« Last Edit: November 05, 2007, 16:38:19 by Danne »
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2007, 05:34:35 »
Danne *
Posts: 10

For kicks, I tried to upgrade my same vlan config from version 1.231 to 1.3b5 and the lock-up occured again. I'm posting my relevant interface configs to see if it may yield any sort of help:



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