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Topic: Firewall log filter bug: ICMP always there  (Read 1932 times)
« on: November 29, 2007, 11:57:09 »
dapi *
Posts: 3

If in the normal Firewall log view there are any logs with the ICMP proto...

when clicked on a certain source or destination from a different protocol (UDP of TCP) the ICMP logs (from other source/destinations) are shown also.

when clicking on any of the coloms from one of the ICMP logs (except for the proto), this will redirect to thesame page (sp get value not set:

Forgot to mention: Noticed this on m0n0wall version 1.231 and 1.3b5
« Last Edit: December 03, 2007, 21:35:52 by dapi »
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