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Topic: Unable to logon to m0n0wall web admin after upgrading to 1.22 or 1.23  (Read 6025 times)
« on: March 17, 2007, 17:26:44 »
boomboom21 *
Posts: 1

I discovered the solution to my problem.  Upon analyzing my config file and comparing it to a default config file, I discovered that my config file was missing the following line right above the <password> line:

I had to:
- downgrade back to 1.21
- backup the working config
- edit the xml config file to add the above line
- restore the altered config back to m0n0wall
- upgrade to 1.23

The upgrade worked like a charm after that.

> After upgrading from 1.21 to 1.22 or 1.23 I am unable to log in to the
> web admin page.  I receive the following error even though I know the
> username and password is correct:
> 401 Unauthorized
> Authorization required
> With the exception of not being able to log into the admin page,
> m0n0wall appears to function normally.  I've seen one other post to
> the mailing list describing this exact problem.  Unfortunately, none
> of the suggested fixes work.
> Does anyone have any ideas?  Thanks in advance.
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