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Topic: Putting one internal IP-adress as #1  (Read 3147 times)
« on: December 06, 2007, 16:20:06 »
frelle218 *
Posts: 1

Hi Guys

I must be stupid, but how can I set m0n0wall to prioritize all traffic on all ports to one IP-adress (both outgoing and ingoing)?

My maximum upload speed is around 1mbit/s and down 7,6mbit/s

Please help...
« Last Edit: December 06, 2007, 21:35:45 by frelle218 »
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2007, 10:48:05 »
Max2950 ***
Posts: 120

Set your pipe to 85~90% of the bandwitdth specified by your ISP. I strongly suggest you run some online speed tests...........

Create the queues with the approprite weights (one for upload, the other for download). The greater the weight, the greater the "priority". Take care that the sum of your queues weight do not exceed 100 i.e.: sum of the up queues should not exceed 100 and sum of the download queues should not exceed 100.

Then create a rule to send the trafic of your IP to the appropriate queues............
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2008, 18:23:06 »
Seb74 ***
Posts: 115

Set your pipe to 85~90% of the bandwitdth specified by your ISP. I strongly suggest you run some online speed tests...........

Create the queues with the approprite weights (one for upload, the other for download). The greater the weight, the greater the "priority". Take care that the sum of your queues weight do not exceed 100 i.e.: sum of the up queues should not exceed 100 and sum of the download queues should not exceed 100.

Then create a rule to send the trafic of your IP to the appropriate queues............
I thought the queue weights didn't relate to 100 in any can as wel use 20 and 10 on two queues as well as 200 and 100....or?

Anyway, since you absolutely shouldn't overestimate your actual up/down-load on the pipes, what happens if you test dl and get 2000kbps and for safety enter 1900kbps, and then you have a fast upload choaking your download (happens a lot with dsl) so you only have 1000kbps, or maybe some other factor make you go down to 1000kbps (dl-speed isn't that extremely static over time)......what will happen?
You have 1000kbps for a while for some reason, but you have specified 2000kbps since that is your normal dl speed. What happens? You get severe packetloss or what?

I dont get why you have to safely estimate maximum up/down-speed, instantly giving away 10% or so of what you got, just to turn the traffic shaper on. Would have been like 100 times better if you could just use "maximum" or something and it uses what its got, just like your pc's at home does...nothing is telling them not to send fasten than this or that value, or a regular home-router either.
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