In order to resolve this problem, the only way, I've founf is to reboot the monowall.
Has anyone got these problems ?
Yes! We also have these problems. I wrote about them in an email on the maillist but since we also had a suspicion that it was due to a dhcpd lease-time that was shorter than the CP timeout I didn't get any real answer.
Now I have a 30 minutes dhcp lease and a 15 minute timeout in CP but the problem rears its ugly head after a few weeks of uptime!
When this happens if I check the status.php page I notice that we have multiple entries like this:
20079 5474 432286 deny ip from not MAC any 00:19:5b:35:90:06 any layer2 in
This seems to be due to a problem with CP not releasing the MAC address firewall rule when the user leaves or is logged off due to an timeout.
One more question : Could this happen because I have a only a hard timeout on CP of 600 minutes because my users complaind about beeing disconnected too often ? (I have often 150 and more users authenticated).
We also have about 120 users authenticated!
How often does this occur on your site? And the next time it happens could you please look at the status.php and check for the above mentioned rule if its possible for you?
Im at and end here and thinking aobut replaceing it. I can't find any commercial support in my timezone either!