I need / would love that Captive Portal users (those listed on [Services: Captive portal: Users] page) can be given a choise to change their Captive Portal login password, or forced to change their Captive Portal login password on first login.
Something like:
01 ¤ Username : ___________ Password : ___________ [Login]
02 ¤
03 ¤ if Username and password is a match
04 ¤ if user_must_change_pwd = true
05 ¤ You shall change your password : New Password : ___________ again :___________ [Change]
06 ¤ if New Password and again is a match
07 ¤ write New password
08 ¤ punch hole for user and carry on normally
09 ¤ else
10 ¤ Paswords dont match - goto line 05
11 ¤ endif
12 ¤ endif
13 ¤ punch hole for user and carry on normally
14 ¤ else
15 ¤ error : Username or Password is incorrect.
16 ¤ Did you forget your password ? Please contact Support at (phone number)
17 ¤ or try again by clicking [Here]
18 ¤ if [Here] = true
19 ¤ goto line 01
20 ¤ endif
20 ¤ endif
It have to be handled by the "Captive portal system" - not through m0n0wall GUI - the Captive Portal users shall not have access to m0n0wall GUI.
Some kind of maximum wrong logins might be a good thing as well...