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Topic: Magic shaper: The ability to pick and choose protocols and ports?  (Read 5220 times)
« on: March 17, 2007, 17:40:20 »
IOwnCalculus *
Posts: 1

Not a huge problem since once it's set up it's not anything I've had to touch in quite some time...but would it be possible to tweak the Magic Shaper's setup to allow you to select which protocols are actually being used, and what ports they are on?  For example, I've only got two kinds of traffic going through my m0n0wall that need to be 'de-prioritized' and while they're P2P protocols, neither uses the standard ports anymore.

On a similar topic...would it be wise / beneficial at all to add various common programs and/or protocols that should receive higher priority than average traffic?  Such as games or VOIP?
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2007, 03:09:06 »
noen *
Posts: 1

For most games and voip, its critical that the packets are received/sent allmost immidently, since they have no value if they are too late.

If you use the default magic shaper wizard, there are some "small packet" rules, and most games and voip should go by that rule. (p2p traffic tends to use larger packets)

If the protocol you are prioritizing use larger packets than 100 bytes, you might want to create protocol specific rules.
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