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Topic: Will m0n0wall work for me in the traffic shaping/QoS solution?  (Read 4162 times)
« on: January 03, 2008, 18:52:11 »
JakeM *
Posts: 1

Hi all,

Please excuse the newbie type question:

What would I need in the way of hardware to run m0n0wall in the scenario listed below type of situation(ie Soekris 4801?):

- multiple workstations connecting wirelessly (54MB radios) to two or three ADSL feeds at a central location on the same ADSL vlan
- some workstations want priority traffic for VOiP ... others want priority for browsing or email
- gamers and file torrents are the lowest priority on either network going out through the same gateway

How can I traffic shape to send VOiP traffic to a specific ADSL modem if they are on the same vlan and gateway as the others?  Is this possible with m0n0wall on a soekris or similar router or do I need a hardware load balancing solution? Will m0n0wall work for me in this type of scenario?
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2008, 04:18:53 »
dusan *
Posts: 8

Seems that's multi-WAN traffic shaper, m0n0wall is not of this kind.
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2008, 20:34:07 »
SlickNetAaron *
Posts: 44

You may want to checkout pfSense for multiple WAN balancing. It's m0n0wall on crack.  I'm battling it right now.  Overall it's great.  They are working on a brand new shaper, but it's very rough.  That's why I'm looking at m0nowall.

This sounds like you are a trying to be a wireless ISP?  or just sharing your connection with your neighbors?

« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2008, 02:38:37 »
SlickNetAaron *
Posts: 44

P.S. The bounty for the new pfSense shaper:,2718.0.html#msg47476

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