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Topic: DHCP Relay problem  (Read 1735 times)
« on: January 05, 2008, 11:17:18 »
dajomas *
Posts: 5


I am experiencing problems with DHCP relay. First I'll give an idea of what my network looks like:

I have a m0n0wall system with 3 NICs.

The first NIC is the red zone and attached to my ISP.

The second NIC is the orange or DMZ. In this zone, I have some servers including a PDC (W2K3 Server)
The PDC is DHCP server and DNS server. The IP range of the DMZ is 192.168.1.x/24 (IP address of the PDC is

The third NIC is the green zone. There are Windows and Linux workstations in this zone. Most are DHCP clients.

When I ran m0n0wall 1.231 the DHCP relay feature was working fine. m0n0wall was running on a P2 system from a HD. Then the P2 decided to stop working and I build a new system as cheap and as simple as possible. I didn't want to put in a HD and decided that for ease of upgrading, running from a CD was going to be the least hassle. (I tried IDE/CF but the adapter was DOA and I didn't bother to get a new one (yet)) Because of this I needed to be able to store the configuration on a memory stick and 1.231 couldn't do that so I decided to go for version 1.3

Unfortunately, for some reason, DHCP relay didn't work when the system was ready.

I only enabled DHCP relay for the LAN interface but the log mentioned that it was listening and sending on both the DMZ and GREEN interfaces. However, when I refresh the IP address on a machine in the GREEN zone, it doesn't get an IP address from the DHCP server.

Now, when I disable DHCP relay and enable the DHCP server on the m0n0wall system, I do get an IP address.
When I connect to the DMZ, and I request a DHCP Address, I get one as expected.

I have configured the DHCP relay to append circuit ID and agent ID so the DHCP server knows which pool to take the address from. There are 2 Scopes configured in the DHCP server on the PDC and both are active.

Is there anyone who can help me out to get the DHCP relay working again?


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