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Topic: FIX - Change MAC HW Address on Nokia IP110 and 120  (Read 23362 times)
« on: January 12, 2008, 21:59:26 »
omvanderwiele *
Posts: 3

I have found a final solution for the missing MAC addresses on a Nokia IP110 and 120 and would like to share it here.

The issue is that the networks card do not have an burned-in MAC address (the MAC address is also referred to as Hardware Address). As a result, after initial image adding, no network card has an MAC address and no interface can be accessed via the network. As the configuration of monowall is via the network, you are stuck here.
A work around for this is to use MAC spoofing in Monowall, but that requires a change of config file using an external device. Not only can that be time consuming, a config restore or full install will require the same external change of the MAC address

Solution description
The network chip used in the Intel 82559ER. This support change of the ‘burned-in’ MAC address using a utility erupdate to change the EEPROM. The original MAC address (2x 4D4D00000000 and 1x FFFFFFFFFFF) can be changed in any arbitrary value. This change is preserved after power off. The values have to be changed using MS-DOS, but no keyboard or monitor is connected. Using autoxec.bat, the commands can be scripted automatically.

  • PC with keyboard and monitor
  • DOS program erupdate.exe (download. manual file included). Can also be downloaded from
  • A harddisk or CF card that is supported as well on the PC as on the Nokia IP120 as a IDE device
  • MS-DOS

Solution step-by-step
Note: in this solution, I refer to a CF card, but the procedure is identical for compact flash

Create a MS-DOS bootable CF card. The method I used was
Create a MS-DOS floppy disk ( used a WIN98SE disk, download )
Connect the CF to the IDE channel of the PC using a IDE-to-CF converter
Boot the PC from the MS-DOS floppy disk
Create a FAT16 partition on the CF card using fdisk and make it active (my card was already corrected formatted correcty by the manufacturer)
Format the CF card and make it bootable using format c: /s (c: is the drive letter of the CF card in my PC, /s ensures the system files are copied
copy erupdate.exe to the CF card
copy a file named autoexec.bat to the CF card containing these lines
    erupdate > a.txt
    erupdate -NIC=1 -MAC=004043000001
    erupdate -NIC=2 -MAC=004043000002
    erupdate -NIC=3 -MAC=004043000003
    erupdate > b.txt
move the CF card from the PC and install it in the Nokia IP120
power-on the Nokia IP120 and wait for 2 minutes (probably 60 seconds will do)
move the CF card to the PC and check the contents of the files A.TXT and B.TXT. In my case the output were:
   Intel (R) PCI NIC EEPROM Utility  v4.3.19.0
   Copyright (C) 1995 - 2003 Intel Corporation
   Intel (R) Confidential and not for general distribution.
   NIC Bus Dev Vendor-Device  Network Address   PWA Number  Size Checksum
   === === === ============= ================= ============ ==== ========
    1   0   0E   8086-1209     4D4D00000000     000000-000    64   2268
    2   0   0F   8086-1209     4D4D00000000     000000-000    64   2268
    3   0   10   8086-1209     FFFFFFFFFFFF     000000-000    64   6FB8
   ERROR: No NIC selected.
   Please select a NIC or NICs using the -NIC, -BUS, -DEV, or -ALL options.
   Type erupdate -? for HELP.

   Intel (R) PCI NIC EEPROM Utility  v4.3.19.0
   Copyright (C) 1995 - 2003 Intel Corporation
   Intel (R) Confidential and not for general distribution.
   NIC Bus Dev Vendor-Device  Network Address   PWA Number  Size Checksum
   === === === ============= ================= ============ ==== ========
    1   0   0E   8086-1209     004043000001     000000-000    64   2E72
    2   0   0F   8086-1209     004043000002     000000-000    64   2D72
    3   0   10   8086-1209     004043000003     000000-000    64   2C72
   ERROR: No NIC selected.
   Please select a NIC or NICs using the -NIC, -BUS, -DEV, or -ALL options.
   Type erupdate -? for HELP.Finished. Monowall should run without problems no if your output is simular

The MAC addresses in autoexec.bat can be changed to any 48 bits address.
This step-by-step plan requires basic computer knowledge and experience with MS-DOS.
Change of the MAC address is useful for any OS installed, not only Monowall.

« Last Edit: March 05, 2008, 07:58:50 by omvanderwiele »
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2008, 03:02:16 »
deanlester *
Posts: 11

Hi omvanderwiele,

Kudos on the excellent work here.

I've been hacking for a couple days on this, trying to get a CF card to boot in DOS working on my Nokia IP120.

Any chance you'd be willing to share your working boot image so it can be flashed directly to a CF card?

I do not have an IDE-CF converter for use in a PC, but I have been using a USB-CF adapter that works great for flashing the m0n0 image with physdiskwrite and/or 'dd'.

When you boot the nokia into DOS, did you get any output to the console, like when m0n0 boots, there is console output? I get nothing. Making me wonder if I don't have a FAT32 instead of FAT16 filesystem.

I have lately taken a known bootable floppy (I swear it should be FAT16), imaged it with WinImage boot floppy imager, and written that to the CF using physdiskwrite. The card then mounts up correctly and shows all the filesystem, but that card does not (appear) to boot the Nokia. I get no saved files 'a.txt' and 'b.txt' as directed by the scripting in autoexec.bat.

Would you mind sharing your CF image?

Dean Lester
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2008, 08:01:37 »
greg_s_007 *
Posts: 2

I have also gone through this process with no success. The IDE device is bootable and comes up on a standard PC, however, the IP120 will not boot it. There is no output on the console, and there are no files created on the device once I transfer it back to my PC. I have tried this both with an IDE HDD and a CF card (there should be no difference anyway).

If anyone has gotten this to work and could share version information for the erupdate utility or share an image that can be written to an IDE hdd/cf card, it would be very much appreciated.
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2008, 20:36:17 »
moh *
Posts: 7

Hi everyone!

Thanks to Omvanderwiele I have rewritten the MAC adresses of a Nokia IP110 and a Nokia IP120 sucessfully.

The tutorial wrote by Omvanderwiele works like a charm but pay attention to the file erupdate.exe, it must be the same version shown in the tutorial (v4.3.19.0).

On the website of Intel it's more easy to find an early version of erupdate.exe that doesn't work.
« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2008, 01:33:38 »
cmb *****
Posts: 851

Cool!  Nice work omvanderwiele.

An alternate to this might be to implement a random MAC generation in m0n0wall. pfSense implemented that, where if a NIC has a FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF MAC, it automatically generates a valid random MAC and uses that instead. It's not prevalent enough to justify that though probably, these Nokia boxes are the only ones I'm aware of that show this.
« Reply #5 on: March 03, 2008, 22:57:06 »
deanlester *
Posts: 11

The tutorial wrote by Omvanderwiele works like a charm but pay attention to the file erupdate.exe, it must be the same version shown in the tutorial (v4.3.19.0).

On the website of Intel it's more easy to find an early version of erupdate.exe that doesn't work.
No kidding, it is much easier to find the version that doesn't work...

Can you let on where you found the correct version? Link please, or an attachment?

The one I'm getting (version 3.22) has all the same options but clearly doesn't work. Extensive googling turns up nothing newer.

« Reply #6 on: March 05, 2008, 08:01:21 »
omvanderwiele *
Posts: 3

Thanks for the comments. I have added links to MS-DOS and erupdate, in the manual (opening post).

deanlester> I will try to make an image of the CF I used.

greg_s_007> there is no console output of MS-DOS or way to enter manual commands, that is why I used the autoxec.bat script.

cmb> the auto generation might also be an option, but only 1 interface has a FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF address, the other interfaces have other address. Autogeneration with save into the config file could also be an option, but not for all MAC addresses.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2008, 08:11:32 by omvanderwiele »
« Reply #7 on: March 08, 2008, 02:15:53 »
moh *
Posts: 7

Alternative download link (directly from Intel's website):
« Last Edit: March 08, 2008, 02:25:19 by moh »
« Reply #8 on: March 14, 2008, 19:50:18 »
deanlester *
Posts: 11

Works like a charm now... Thanks guys...

I ended up not having a bootable dos CF image. Fixed that by using the "HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool", which formats and allows to copy system files like an old-school floppy. This reportedly works with all USB storage not just HP devices.

Then adding the correct version of erupdate, thanks moh for the link!

Thanks guys!
« Reply #9 on: March 24, 2008, 23:56:23 »
PipoCanaja *
Posts: 3


If somebody has one working media somewhere, could it be possible to post an ISO image (that could be DDised to a cflash, or a hard disk for IP380 box that does not come with a Cflash reader slot ...) ?

« Reply #10 on: March 25, 2008, 01:58:59 »
deanlester *
Posts: 11


I tried dd'ing an .iso (of a bootable floppy) to the CF, and it didn't work. For one, I dont think that a floppy image is an iso filesystem; and two, I don't think an iso filesystem is what ends up on your CF or hard disk.

The thing that did it for me was the HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool. That formats your card and asks you for the DOS files to be used on the card for booting. Do a little googling for it, or check here

Good luck,
« Reply #11 on: March 25, 2008, 08:23:50 »
PipoCanaja *
Posts: 3

I said ISO image , but I meant taking a working CFlash media, and DDing to an image (that can be shared). That way, if the original image is bootable, then the image will also be.

As I don't have a lot of PCs around, building a DOS bootdisk is not straightforward but it should be possible anyway using an emulator.

« Reply #12 on: November 30, 2008, 18:23:08 »
mccm *
Posts: 1

hello everyone

I try to update the EEPROM of my nokia IP350!
I boot whit my hard drive and use the erupdate.exe.

Intel (R) PCI NIC EEPROM Utility  v4.3.19.0
Copyright (C) 1995 - 2003 Intel Corporation
Intel (R) Confidential and not for general distribution.

NIC Bus Dev Vendor-Device  Network Address   PWA Number  Size Checksum
=== === === ============= ================= ============ ==== ========
 1   2   03   8086-1209     FFFFFFFFFFFF     FFFFFF-0FF   256   FFFF
 2   2   04   8086-1209     FFFFFFFFFFFF     FFFFFF-0FF   256   FFFF
 3   2   05   8086-1209     FFFFFFFFFFFF     FFFFFF-0FF   256   FFFF
 4   2   06   8086-1209     FFFFFFFFFFFF     FFFFFF-0FF   256   FFFF
ERROR: No NIC selected.
Please select a NIC or NICs using the -NIC, -BUS, -DEV, or -ALL options.
Type erupdate -? for

and I put an address whit this command:

erupdate -NIC=1 -MAC=101010000001

Intel (R) PCI NIC EEPROM Utility  v4.3.19.0
Copyright (C) 1995 - 2003 Intel Corporation
Intel (R) Confidential and not for general distribution.

NIC Bus Dev Vendor-Device  Network Address   PWA Number  Size Checksum
=== === === ============= ================= ============ ==== ========
 1   2   03   8086-1209     FFFFFFFFFFFF     FFFFFF-0FF   256   FFFF
 2   2   04   8086-1209     FFFFFFFFFFFF     FFFFFF-0FF   256   FFFF
 3   2   05   8086-1209     FFFFFFFFFFFF     FFFFFF-0FF   256   FFFF
 4   2   06   8086-1209     FFFFFFFFFFFF     FFFFFF-0FF   256   FFFF

 1:  Updating MAC Address to 101010000001...Done.
 1:  Updating Checksum...Done.

it's look slike ok but you can see on the next report it's not ok:

Intel (R) PCI NIC EEPROM Utility  v4.3.19.0
Copyright (C) 1995 - 2003 Intel Corporation
Intel (R) Confidential and not for general distribution.

NIC Bus Dev Vendor-Device  Network Address   PWA Number  Size Checksum
=== === === ============= ================= ============ ==== ========
 1   2   03   8086-1209     FFFFFFFFFFFF     FFFFFF-0FF   256   FFFF
 2   2   04   8086-1209     FFFFFFFFFFFF     FFFFFF-0FF   256   FFFF
 3   2   05   8086-1209     FFFFFFFFFFFF     FFFFFF-0FF   256   FFFF
 4   2   06   8086-1209     FFFFFFFFFFFF     FFFFFF-0FF   256   FFFF
ERROR: No NIC selected.
Please select a NIC or NICs using the -NIC, -BUS, -DEV, or -ALL options.
Type erupdate -? for HELP.

I don't understand why! if you can help me  Grin
« Reply #13 on: January 23, 2009, 03:28:43 »
zot *
Posts: 9

 Angry Angry
I can't find a dos working version.I have try 2 different "erupdate" ( and http:// )and  "erutility" at link posted by moh.
At console prompt of my Nokia IP 350 i have this :
This program cannot be run in DOS mode
or this :
PKSFX CLI for Windows 95/NT Copyright 1989-1998 PKWARE Inc. All Rights Reserved
Error: PKSFX CLI for Windows 95/NT cannot be run in DOS mode.

Someone can help whit right version of erupdate???
« Reply #14 on: January 23, 2009, 04:43:29 »
zot *
Posts: 9

I found just a 3.19 version at (is in the package for 82559er ethernet driver ) but not the .
I try to use but nothing change!!!
I have always this :
[ERUPDATE ver 3.19 ER - Intel GD82559ER Fast Ethernet Controller EEPROM utility
Copyright (C), 1995 -1999 Intel Corporation

NIC Bus Dev Vendor-Device Network Address   PWA Number  Size Cheksum
=== === === ============= ================  =========== ==== =======
1    2  03    8086-1209     FFFFFFFFFFFF    FFFFFF-0FF   0    FFFF
2    2  04    8086-1209     FFFFFFFFFFFF    FFFFFF-0FF   0    FFFF
3    2  05    8086-1209     FFFFFFFFFFFF    FFFFFF-0FF   0    FFFF
4    2  06    8086-1209     FFFFFFFFFFFF    FFFFFF-0FF   0    FFFF

I look that the size is 0 but i think is not possible...maybe my version of erupdate can't reed the content of eprom?But this version utility is however for the 82559er chip  Huh Huh
Now I must go to sleep (it's 5:00 AM in Italy!!  Smiley ) but ,please,HELP ME!
« Last Edit: January 23, 2009, 04:45:14 by zot »
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