When trying to boot 1.3b2 on my WRAP.1E-2, 3 LAN
the boot process stops at a certain point (see below).
WRAP boots 1.22 and 1.23 with no problem.
Downloaded the 1.3b2 image from here :
Switzerland (Bern CH, hosted by basis06 AG)
Maybe there is a problem with this image?
Is there another available?
Did anyone experience such a problem?
Thank you.
PC Engines WRAP.1C/1D/1E v1.08
640 KB Base Memory
130048 KB Extended Memory
01F0 Master 848A SanDisk SDCFB-512
Phys C/H/S 993/16/63 Log C/H/S 993/16/63
Consoles: internal video/keyboard
BIOS drive C: is disk0
BIOS 640kB/130048kB available memory
FreeBSD/i386 bootstrap loader, Revision 1.1
(root at mb62 dot neon1 dot net, Sat Dec 9 17:20:01 CET 2006)
/kernel text=0x2c3fdc data=0x36ad4+0x1c874
xxççx The very last line of your post looks familiar to me - m0n0wall 1.3 changes serial line speed during boot, from the "xxççx"-Line on it runs on 9600 instead of 38400. I believe this is a bug or at least an undocumented "feature" in 1.3, which leaves you with the choice of either loosing the bootup messages when setting terminal speed to 9600 from the start or having to change terminal speed during boot process.