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Topic: Specifying a port range above "some number" doesn't appear to work  (Read 2710 times)
« on: February 08, 2008, 21:04:09 »
nobody *
Posts: 4


I have BitTorrent set up to use ports 49977 - 49999 (really only two ports in that range, in case I need to change quickly).

("Share bandwidth evenly" is not checked.  Direction is "out.")

It would seem that setting up a rule like this (even at the very top, before high priority and catch-all rules), that only deals with the port range:
If  | Proto | Source                | Destination | Target         | Description
WAN | *     | * Port: 49977 - 49999 | *           | m_Hated Upload | bt
does nothing for theOokla speed test running on a separate machine on LAN (late start, and then crawls at up to 64 kbits/sec or so, while BitTorrent runs like normal). ( or, for lack of URL highlighting.)

I had to resort to manually specifying the BitTorrent machine's address on LAN (bt is an alias), by itself without any ports:
If  | Proto | Source  | Destination | Target         | Description
WAN | *     | bt      | *           | m_Hated Upload | bt
for the desired effect (upload portion of speed test starts within seconds up to > 400 kbits/sec, and BitTorrent uploads drop to a few kbytes/sec).

In a word, am I not setting this up properly?  (I'd hate to just limit all traffic on the BitTorrent machine, instead of just those ports.)
« Last Edit: February 16, 2008, 19:11:20 by nobody »
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2008, 19:10:43 »
nobody *
Posts: 4

It would appear that specifying a port above a certain number makes the rule invalid (it appears to be above 32768, so it's probably not signed/unsigned word...)

By placing a rule above the one shown, like this:
If  | Proto | Source              | Destination | Target         | Description
WAN | *     | bt Port: 1 - 33333  | *           | m_Bulk Upload  | bt

If  | Proto | Source              | Destination | Target         | Description
WAN | *     | bt                  | *           | m_Hated Upload | bt

The second "hated upload" rule will work.  (Ookla running on a separate computer is fine.)

However, if specifying something like this:
If  | Proto | Source              | Destination | Target         | Description
WAN | *     | bt Port: 1 - 40000  | *           | m_Bulk Upload  | bt

If  | Proto | Source              | Destination | Target         | Description
WAN | *     | bt                  | *           | m_Hated Upload | bt

The "bulk upload" rule will apply to the aforementioned ports 49977 - 49999, even though it's not supposed to touch them at all.  (Ookla running on a separate computer will slow down, since BitTorrent running on bt port 49999 will be on "m_Bulk Upload" instead of "m_Hated Upload," taking the entire upstream quota.)

This will also mean that a rule that looks like this:
If  | Proto | Source                 | Destination | Target         | Description
WAN | *     | bt Port: 49977 - 49999 | *           | m_Hated Upload | bt

This rule will not work.

Can someone look into this (was running on m0n0wall 1.233 and 1.3b9)?
« Last Edit: February 16, 2008, 19:18:51 by nobody »
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