Thank you for the reply! You are correct that I have not paid anything for m0n0wall support and that I should not expect fast turnaround on fixes as a result. I have taken m0n0wall into a commercial application which may have not been smart on my part. I appologize for sounding demanding -- my goal was to determine the level of support that is available for the product -- and I now know. Please know that not all open source free software has the same level of support. Taking CentOS and/or Apache into a commercial environment is something I would not think twice about due to the level of support available on these products.
m0n0wall is a GREAT contribution to the open source community. Thank you again for your attention to quality and followup on concerns for users. Please also find the PayPal Donation that we just made. We really do appreciate the work you are doing here.
The xml you requested is attached below (by the way, I tried to attach the file but xml is not a valid filetype).
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<descr>Backhaul Radio East</descr>
<descr>Backhaul Radio West</descr>
<descr>WAN of Sims Router</descr>
<descr>All Ports to Orr Ranch</descr>
<descr>All Traffic to Orr Ranch</descr>
<descr>Allow WebSwitch Anywhere</descr>
<descr>Allow Anyone to Reach WebSwitch</descr>
<descr>Default Johnson -> Any</descr>
<descr>Default Backhaul -> Any</descr>
<descr>Default LAN -> any</descr>
<descr>Gateway Christian Church LAN</descr>
<descr>m_Total Upload</descr>
<descr>m_Total Download</descr>
<descr>m_High Priority #1 Upload</descr>
<descr>m_High Priority #2 Upload</descr>
<descr>m_High Priority #3 Upload</descr>
<descr>m_Bulk Upload</descr>
<descr>m_Hated Upload</descr>
<descr>m_Bulk Download</descr>
<descr>m_Hated Download</descr>
<descr>m_High Priority Download</descr>
<descr>m_TCP ACK Upload</descr>
<descr>m_Small Pkt Upload</descr>
<descr>m_Outbound DNS Query</descr>
<descr>m_AH Upload</descr>
<descr>m_ESP Upload</descr>
<descr>m_GRE Upload</descr>
<descr>m_ICMP Upload</descr>
<descr>m_Catch-All Upload</descr>
<descr>m_ICMP Download</descr>
<descr>m_Small Pkt Download</descr>
<descr>m_AH Download</descr>
<descr>m_ESP Download</descr>
<descr>m_GRE Download</descr>
<descr>m_Catch-All Download</descr>