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Topic: [SOLD] FS: Watchguard Firebox FB100 - 2 units available!!! [SOLD]  (Read 4688 times)
« on: March 24, 2008, 03:00:20 »
Tim Nelson *
Posts: 5

Hello all! In addition to my previous thread regarding items available for sale, I also have two Watchguard Firebox FB100 units. Specs on each unit are as follows:

Unit 1: 150MHZ Cyrix CPU, 128MB RAM, 3 X 3Com 3C905 PCI NICs

This unit still has one DIMM slot open, and has four SIMM slots open. Keep in mind you can use either SIMMS or DIMMS, but not both. The IDE-CF adapter has been removed but the cabling is still intact for you to add your own or a hard drive. I used this unit as an edge transparent bridge and it worked like a charm.

Unit 2: 120MHZ Cyrix CPU, 64MB RAM, 3 X 3COM 3C905 PCI NICSs, Floppy Drive

This unit unfortunately does not have any DIMM slots and all four SIMM slots are populated. The IDE-CF adapter has been removed but the cabling is still intact for you to add your own or a hard drive. This unit has been in service as a small office firewall/router on a 6M/1M ADSL line and worked with no problems.

As with my other thread with items for sale, please make an offer on these units. I'll take anything reasonable and will even part them out if you would like. I simply need to get rid of them as I no longer have space for them. Please contact me at:  tnelson --AT--

« Last Edit: August 04, 2008, 14:55:52 by Tim Nelson »
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