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Topic: Captive Portal problems (in pfSense)  (Read 3973 times)
« on: March 27, 2008, 10:41:20 »
albertmm *
Posts: 1


I posted this in pfSense forum, but I put it here because Captive Portal is almost the same that m0n0.


I have made a post in spanish forum about a Captive Portal problem, but I put it here too in english.

I have a powerful machine with pFSense 1.2 Release installed (Dell PowerEdge 1950, Quad Core, 4 Gbytes of RAM). I have WAN, LAN, DMZ and WLAN interfaces configured. In the LAN, I have 150 users, 19 servers in DMZ, and public ethernet IP in WLAN, with 19 Virtual IP (public too, Proxy ARP), that gave external access to services.

The problema that I have, is when I configure Captive Portal in WLAN interface, configured to validate users with Radius - Windows Server 2003 IAS. Aparently, it works, but when is working 30 minutes, it starts to kill connections, and to have a low bandwidth for users. I usually not have more than 50 users on WLAN, and a minimum of 5 or 6.

I searched over the forum, and the internet, and I haven't success.

Any suggest?

Thanks in advanced, and sorry for my poor english.
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