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Topic: Redirect internet trafic to another firewall  (Read 1706 times)
« on: March 27, 2008, 14:15:17 »
socate *
Posts: 13

Hi all,

I try to describe my problem and I need to know if I can solve with m0n0wall;

I have now a Dlink DFL800 as an internet firewall; Now, as a default gateway I use a Cisco 2600. With this CISCO I made all VPN's and I redirect all trafic (except VPN) to the DFL 800 LAN IP.

Now, I want to make another project and I need to use insteed Cisco a m0nowall. My question is: I can make a simillar rule to redirect all internet trafic to another firewall (Untangle 5.03) and to make VPN's and routing with monowall?

I will try to make also a drawing to be more explicit!
Here is the drawing:

Thank you
« Last Edit: March 27, 2008, 14:27:50 by socate »
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