Some days ago i noticed that my ip at dyndns.org was not updated correctly.
the log says that the update was not successfully.
so i checked the account settings for dyndns.org: i didn't change anything, neither in the m0n0wall config nor at dyndns.org. i even downloaded a backup config.xml from m0n0wall and rececked the account settings - everything fine except of my m0n0wall saying something like this:
"failure to update ng0->XX.XX.XX.XX (xxxxx,dyndns.org)"
i repeat: the account settings were correct! i copy&pasted them and loged me in at dyndns.org. i coult even update the ip manualy....but m0n0wall did not
then i retyped the login to the config page and saved the "changes". and then it worked again correctly.
now i want to know why this happend. i know that i have made some changes the days before with the m0n0 settings so maybe i can repeat these changes and find out what lead to this "no i dont want to update"-mood of m0n0wall.
i will first try to reproduce this bug in 3b7 and then update to 3b10 try it there
or maybe someone else got the same problem and what i did can help him.
ps: i run m0n0 at a generic-pc mit 3 NICs(wan(pppoe),lan,dmz)