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Topic: error message Warning: filemtime()  (Read 4757 times)
« on: April 10, 2008, 06:48:55 »
n00bcrew *
Posts: 2

i got warning message on the top web configuration page:

Warning: filemtime(): Stat failed for /conf/config.xml (errno=2 - No such file or directory) in /etc/inc/ on line 126

with this error i can't change firewall rules on LAN. if a change the rules there will be a warning page :

Warning: filemtime(): Stat failed for /conf/config.xml (errno=2 - No such file or directory) in /etc/inc/ on line 126 Warning: fopen(/cf/conf/config.xml): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /etc/inc/ on line 577 Unable to open config.xml for writing in write_config()

i use monowall version 1.233 on generic pc, that was upgraded from 1.232
when i use the 1.232 version, the box was just fine.  i can change the rules any time i want.

i can change the rules if i reboot the router first.
and if try to change the rules for the second time, the erorr will come up again

sorry if it had been answered before and for my bad english Cheesy

thanks a lot
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