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Topic: Captive Portal URL redirection - RADIUS  (Read 3577 times)
« on: April 16, 2008, 13:09:48 »
giulioneri *
Posts: 5

I have been testing m0n0wall and find it extremely reliable, however I have some troubles figuring out how to set up url redirection in the captive portal via radius attributes.

I use freeradius for auth and accounting, everything else works... (user passwords, session timeout, wispr-bandwidth...)

I tried with 'WISPr-Redirection-URL' and 'Nomadix-URL-Redirection' with no luck.
I also tried both options with and without the "url redirection" option in the webgui, but m0n0 seems to ignore the received attributes.

My m0n0 version is: 1.3b11

Does anyone know which is the specific attribute that should be set for m0n0 to redirect to the url specified by the radius server?

Thank you in advance,

« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2008, 22:12:17 »
mastermind *
Posts: 3

It seems to be it doesn't work because http:// isn't being specified in the url. If it has passed to it for example it will work but if just it will not redirect. If you specify a URL to redirect to yourself you can fix this, if you just want it to redirect users it depends if they type http:// or not and they likely won't. Smiley
Just what I've seemed to experience from trial and error redirecting after auth..
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