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Topic: packet lost with Soekris 5501-70 (generic-pc 1.233)  (Read 3793 times)
« on: April 18, 2008, 11:55:17 »
onezero *
Posts: 9

We are running a Soekris 5501-70 with m0n0wall - generic-pc 1.233 for a couple of month. We are connected with 8 MBit/s SDSL.

Within intermittent intervals the internet connection feels like a 56 KBit/s dailup. Some normaly fast websites got timeouts.
With a bunch von ping-tests I found out, that all internal (LAN) connections (switches) got no problems and no packet lost. But if I ping from a LAN computer the m0n0all-LAN-interface, I got packet lost form 7% up 12%, ping to a server outside up to 72%.

After a reboot all seems to work normal for some houres or days.

The only advice I found on the m0n0wall was this line (a lot of them) in the dmesg output (the whole output is attached):
vr2: rx packet lost

Does anyone could help me out?
Thanks in advance, Jannik

* m0n0wal_dmesg_output.txt (5.87 KB - downloaded 311 times.)
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2008, 20:16:55 »

You really should be running 1.3b11 as 1.233 doesn't seem to run all that well on the net5501.  however, you can't go directly to 1.3b10 without first upgrading to 1.3b7.  here is the link to that download:

« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2008, 23:29:03 »
onezero *
Posts: 9

I updated to 1.3b11 (fist to 1.3b7) today. I proceed some ping and speed tests, without any constraint. Let me see, what the next days will bring ...

But now, I got another and new problem:,1905.0.html#msg6029
« Reply #3 on: May 06, 2008, 13:09:38 »
onezero *
Posts: 9


We got new hardware (the same but new), because we got no idea what went wrong. The System now runs 1.3b7 without the VPN/PPTP problem. So everything looks good to me. Waiting for the next beta to give it a chance ... Thanks for your support!
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