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Topic: DNS forwarding does not reload when serial number changes.  (Read 1796 times)
« on: May 01, 2008, 23:32:28 »
rcpao *
Posts: 4

1.3b10 net48xx

When I change or add DNS records and increment the serial number in bind/named for my local zone, the DNS forwarder in m0n0wall does not detect the change and reload.  The only way I have found to update the DNS forwarder is to disable/re-enable or reboot m0n0wall.

DNS forwarder should not cache lookups forever.  It should follow the DNS server's timeout for the zone, or have a timeout value we can set in m0n0wall, or a button should be added to flush the cache.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2008, 23:47:15 by rcpao »
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