Actually you can do both methods at the same time,
You can Limit with out shaping the trafic from those 2 pcs, using my 1st reply, on
LAN Interface
And then shaping it, using my 2nd reply, along with all other trafic on
WAN Interface
you will need 6 pipes:
for LAN use
1 - PC1 Upload 512 kbps
2 - PC1 Download 2048 kbps
3 - PC2 Upload 512 kbps
4 - PC2 Download 2048 kbps
for Wan use
5 - Shaper Upload 9500 kbps
6 - Shaper Download 9500 kbps
so you need 1 queue with weight 100 for each LAN pipe (see up)
and 1 rule for each LAN queue caching all trafic on the
LAN interface from/for (upload/download) each pc (pc1/pc2)
on wan interface use my example in reply 2 or your normal shaping rules
after all this and if you use my example then is granted that:
in a quiet or stress situation your 2 special lan pcs will have their 2048/512 for sure and only their 2048/512 (just like an ISP)
if they are not using it, the rest of your lan computers can use their band
Let me know if it worked