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Topic: Custom Dynamic DNS Updates With Commands & Parameters  (Read 1571 times)
« on: June 19, 2008, 04:05:25 »
xene *
Posts: 2

Hi, this might be against the security of the firewall, but if it is limited to a pair of harmless commands it could help pretty much with updating our DDNS IP number.
Looking on the internet I've found out that it is possible to update our IP's with with some DDNS services using the following commands:
Example 1
Using Lynx to update a account:
$lynx -source ''

Example 2
Using Wget to update a account:
$wget -O - --http-passwd=password ''

The only thing is that we need to know when our IP has changed to execute one of these commands, and Monowall already has that feature.

What do you think?
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