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Topic: Sugestion  (Read 1926 times)
« on: April 04, 2007, 03:32:45 »
Dr-D *
Posts: 14

the shaper is limited by the 1 to 100 rage

if you have 4 traffic types and you want all of them to be 1 to 100 of each other you need to use something like this:

top          1000000 Weight
normal     10000 Weight
httpserv   100 Weight
p2p           1 Weight

so i suggest the coder(s)to change it to permit any value of Weights and at the end adding them and dividing 100 by them like this

+          1

100 (%) / 1010101 = x

top          1000000 * x = Weight
normal     10000 * x = Weight
httpserv   100 * x = Weight
p2p           1 * x = Weight

for this to work you also need to allow lower then 1 weights like 0.01

please make this work, normal ppl can use they 1 to 100 ranges but ppl like me will be able to use a nice shaper
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