as already asked by another one here it would be nice to have the LEDs in the WARP and ALIX boards show some status information like 'reboot complete' with LED2 or 'WAN connected' with LED3.
I took a look at the sources of wrapresetbtn.c and alix23xresetbtn.c, and found that these contain already everything needed - by adding some switches so that its possible to control the LEDs this is possible.
Here you can find my modified sources, diffs, and also FreeBSD 6.x binaries (should work with M0n0wall 1.3, though I've only tested yet with pfSense which is also based on FreeBSD 6.x):
http://www.gknw.net/test/m0n0wall/let's hope that someone else finds soon some time to look for a good place in the up/down scripts where we can put calls to control the LEDs....
to control the LEDs use parameters, f.e.:
./alix23xresetbtn -led1=0 -led2=1 -led3=1
switches LED1 off and LED2 and LED3 on.
greetz, Günter.