Hi Everyone,
We are running v1.3b13
We setup a PPTP client behind the m0n0 to connect to a PPTP server on an outside network. The connection establishes itself just fine, but the traffic is one way only. From the client to the server, we can ping, telnet, ftp, etc., anything on the server network. But from the Server side we are unable to send any traffic back down the PPTP tunnel to the client side. The internal IP range of both networks are completely different (192.168, vs. 10.0.0), so there doesn't appear to be a routing conflict. The client does have a server side ip address assigned to it. Neither the client nor the server have a firewall turned on. The server side is not running a m0n0, and allows PPTP clients from other networks to connect just fine.
Should there be any firewall rules to allow inbound traffic inside the PPTP? We focused mainly on VPN - PPTP 'Redirect incoming PPTP connections to'
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!
I also have a client trying to connect to an outside server PPTP with no luck.