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Topic: DHCP server fails, when directly wired to client  (Read 2767 times)
« on: August 25, 2008, 01:07:36 »
alexbird *
Posts: 2

I've never found a bug in Monowall, so I'm prepared to accept this is something else ;o)

I have a machine running a legacy application on XP.  It restarts every 6 hours, to reclaim the memory VB has lost!

If I connect this directly to the DMZ(OPT1) port, it will get an IP address via DHCP the *first* time it starts.  When it restarts, however, the DHCP server appears to die completely.  It will not give addresses to any hosts I plug in to DMZ.  DHCP on the LAN interface is still working though.
THe only way I have found to repair DHCP when this happens is to reboot Monowall.

If I connect this machine via a hub (it says it's a hub, but it could well be switching) it works fine, and I can renew IPs.

I do not really want to run another hub here, as there is only one machine, and I don't have another one.

Running 1.3b14 on an ALIX 2C3 board.
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2008, 03:35:31 »

Before you post here:

If you're thinking about posting a bug report here, please be very sure that you've configured everything properly and that the only logical explanation left for your problem is a bug in m0n0wall.

If you're simply not sure how to use m0n0wall in a particular situation, or whether it will work in that situation at all, post your question(s) in the other boards first. Otherwise, your post may be deleted.

Please make sure to include the following information in your bug report:

m0n0wall version(s) that you use
hardware details (type/make of NICs etc.) if relevant
software versions of other components that may be relevant to your problem (browser, operating system, etc.)
all the steps needed to reproduce the problem
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2008, 07:56:55 »
Manuel Kasper
Posts: 364

If I connect this machine via a hub (it says it's a hub, but it could well be switching) it works fine, and I can renew IPs.

The vr(4) driver in FreeBSD 6.3 (used for the NICs on ALIX boards) seems to have problems detecting link-up events sometimes (as it has to when you reboot that machine and it's directly connected to the ALIX, as the link will inevitably flap while it's rebooting). Unfortunately there's no solution yet; the problem only seems to be fixed in FreeBSD 7.0, and the changes are too extensive for a simple backport to 6.3.

See also
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2008, 11:33:18 »
alexbird *
Posts: 2

Thanks for getting back to me so quickly.

After some thought, I was thinking along the same lines.

When I was investigating, I found that just pulling the cable and reconnecting didn't have this effect, so I am planning to experiment with changing the shutdown/restart scripts on the XP machine. 
Perhaps if I release the address, or disable the adaptor, before the restart it will work.
Who knows!
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