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Topic: DNS error on 1.3b14  (Read 2246 times)
« on: September 09, 2008, 02:52:46 »
Hauser *
Posts: 11


Similar to exigent's post below, tonight I suddenly couldn't reach from my laptop. My wife then reported the same thing, and I verified the same problem on my desktop. I tried to ping from all three machines and all three gave the same host not found error.

I went to m0n0's diagnostics and was able to both ping and traceroute servers from the router. I then tried connecting to the IP address of from all 3 machines which worked fine.

I then connected to a friend's wireless down the street on the same ISP (Rogers) and was able to load from there, so concluded I had a m0n0 problem. I rebooted the router and was immediately able to access from all three machines.

Unlike exigent I only have two ports forwarded on the router with all other traffic denied, but I don't know the details of this DNS patch that people are talking about so this may be a non issue. I installed the router on Friday Sept 5 (previous router was D-Link DGL4300) and never had this sort of problem on the old router.


m0n0 1.3b14
Soekris net5501-70, 512Mb CF card
WAN port connected to Rogers cable modem
Vonage VoIP modem connected to LAN port as DHCP client
CM9 wireless running on OPT2 interface
2 Dell laptops and a homebuilt desktop as WiFi DHCP clients
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2008, 19:16:29 »
gionni *
Posts: 9

I don't know if this is really a bug or just a simple mishap on my side, but this morning I have realized I am experiencing some random problems with the dns forwarder too with the new 1.3b14 .

I am using an alix embedded system with simple wan configuration (ethernet wan using dhcp straight to the cable modem). Just 2 ethernet ports, no wifi, no dmz. I am using "default" magic traffic shaping (share bw evenly setting) and I am forwarding just 6 ports to 2 different lan ips (from 14182 to 14188).

Some dns requests randomly fails, some other take too long to get processed. The 3 upstream DNSes have been set manually with the option to ovverride isp ones (provided via dhcp) and are working fine for sure, but the dns server at (mono, that is) is definitely slow at times.
The only "custom" setting I have been using, influencing DNS, is the one to register DHCP leases in the DNS table, and even those queries (ie. "host m0n0wall.local") are quite slowly answered (like 1 sec delay).


Again, maybe is a mishap on my side: pfsense (switched CF) works fine though.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2008, 19:18:41 by gionni »
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