DescriptionSimilar to exigent's post below, tonight I suddenly couldn't reach from my laptop. My wife then reported the same thing, and I verified the same problem on my desktop. I tried to ping from all three machines and all three gave the same host not found error.
I went to m0n0's diagnostics and was able to both ping and traceroute servers from the router. I then tried connecting to the IP address of from all 3 machines which worked fine.
I then connected to a friend's wireless down the street on the same ISP (Rogers) and was able to load from there, so concluded I had a m0n0 problem. I rebooted the router and was immediately able to access from all three machines.
Unlike exigent I only have two ports forwarded on the router with all other traffic denied, but I don't know the details of this DNS patch that people are talking about so this may be a non issue. I installed the router on Friday Sept 5 (previous router was D-Link DGL4300) and never had this sort of problem on the old router.
Configurationm0n0 1.3b14
Soekris net5501-70, 512Mb CF card
WAN port connected to Rogers cable modem
Vonage VoIP modem connected to LAN port as DHCP client
CM9 wireless running on OPT2 interface
2 Dell laptops and a homebuilt desktop as WiFi DHCP clients