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Topic: Let the user to register and create thier own username,password?  (Read 3570 times)
« on: April 07, 2007, 02:23:41 »
radioman *
Posts: 1


I would like to add a page which let the user to creating their own username and password.

The example procedure may be the following:

1. The admin give the user a register code.
2. The user open the register page and fill the register code and choose their own username,password then submit to system.
3. The system verify the register code with internal DB (may be regcode.xml) and add new account into config.xml including some infomation if the register code is valid.
4. The user login to Captive Portal as usual to use the internet.

So, I need to add a page to system (php) but how can I use my own regcode.xml and config.xml to add new account?
Is there any pre-defined function to use or I have to write to it directly?

Thank you very much.
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2007, 18:56:54 »
ddomains *
Posts: 5

This would be alot easier if you had a radius server.  I have a setup that has the basic authentication page and a link to the register page.  If the user is new they click the register page and fill in the info, mine does online credit card processing and if approved creates the account.

I suggest using a database driven radius server like FreeRadius and just do sql inserts for creating the accounts.  All pretty easy php functions.  That way you do not have to stop and restart the radius server all the time.

« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2007, 08:27:58 »
frank *
Posts: 28

I think about the following operational sequence: The user get a unique access code. After first login i delete this access code in the SQL database. Now i put the users mac address into the database. The machine is now authorized, not longer the user. The way seems to use the rlm-exec in free radius config to do that after access accept.
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