Ok....ignorance speaking again here......sorry, but I can't do this (or so I think ???).
If I change the LAN IP for my M0n0wall as you suggested, then I can't get to it anymore from my LAN (right?).
So, since the LAN interface is the one I have in DNS, I changed the WAN one (I know...not what you said to do), but no change; DHCP client still can't surf web.
So, do you really mean for me to change the LAN interface IP?
If so, how will I get to it from my LAN?
Sorry, I know a little about a lot of things and a lot about a few things, but this is not my main thing. :)
Sorry about the long delay in the reply, I don't frequent the forums here that much, hehe.
Yes, only the LAN IP, you can change it at Interfaces / LAN in the configuration. Just add another number after the XX.XX. <- . XX part.
So if you were using for the LAN IP, change it up one to Save changes, but don't reboot yet. The reason being, DHCP is still set for the old range of, so before you reboot, go into the DHCP settings at Services / DHCP server and change the range to reflect the new LAN range. So for example, if it was assigning to IP range, you would add the one up to it, so you get to as the new range.
After you reboot, you'll be able to access m0n0wall at the *new* LAN IP that you just set instead of the old one. So using the example above, the old way was, but the new way would be typing in your web browser to access the m0n0wall web based GUI config page.
I hope that explains it better, let me know if you need more help.