i have a little Porblem with my monowall, may someone can help me.
We use the monowall to terminate our PPTP Users on so they can access there data in our LAN. Now i have to config a new VPN-PPTP User which sould only be able to access 1 Server. So i have configed the user to get always a static VPN IP ( an have added a Firewall Rule on the VPN to block ICMP (icmp only for testreasons) whitch comes from and goes to Server I also moved the rule to the top. My Problem is that the ping still gets to the Server, so i tested the other way i told the Monowall to block traffik on the LAN if from to (also ICMP) but the ping is still runing.
What did i wrong ? Or isnt it possible to block vpn traffik via the FW feature ?
best regards Belavrin