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Topic: virtualisation under XEN  (Read 4749 times)
« on: December 12, 2008, 06:50:44 »
evancaillie *
Posts: 1

Does anybody has some experience with XEN virtualisation and monowall ,
we have already several linux version running under XEN
but monowal config is not accepted.
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2009, 15:44:49 »
albgen *
Posts: 43

m0n0wall is not linux! it's unix.
You have to create a virtual machine as a Freebsd one or another unix based so.
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2009, 12:54:32 »
moonwhaler *
Posts: 8

I did set up Citrix Xenserver 5.5 using Monowall and a cable modem (WAN). It runs like a charm - XenTools (to monitor RAM usage and reboot, shutdown functionality without having to force it) currently not, but that doesn't matter, as I don't plan on restarting it anytime soon and don't need that extra "WOW".  Grin

For those having a similar setup: I created three different types of firewall-VMs (in a Xenserver environment - Smoothwall, IPCop, Monowall) and was wondering why the h*** the other two didn't get any IP address from the WAN interface: Answer was "MAC provisioning". Since the MAC address from the "Monowall interface" was already bound to the cable modem, it rejected every other MAC (interface) on connecting. *ouch*

If anybody else was wondering...  Roll Eyes
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