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Topic: How to check if Traffic Shaping rules are working correctly?  (Read 4819 times)
« on: April 10, 2007, 11:59:03 »
aNt1X *
Posts: 4

i used traffic shaper wizard to setup basic traffic shaping rules, just to slow down a little the p2p systems.

I also reserved a little bandwidth space for VoIP traffic and setted up 2 VoIP pipes (upload and download).

There is a way to know if m0n0wall is correctly identifying P2P traffic, HTTP/SMTP/.... traffic, and the VoIP traffic? Is there something like a LOG that i can inspect to know if m0n0wall is managing traffic as i want?

I double checked my rules but it seems that the P2P are bypassing these rules (i checked and the ports are correct, at least i think), so it could be useful if i can check some sort of Log about traffic shaping.

Thank you i.a.

« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2007, 18:47:20 »
clarknova ***
Posts: 148

You can create a firewall rule to explicitly allow traffic on the same ports that you created shaping rules for and set those firewall rules to be logged. Make sure these rules lie above your default allow rule if that is what is passing these packets at present. Then check your firewall log for matches.

You can also follow these instructions to create a page that shows cumulative traffic counts based on fw rules:

You can stop at the MRTG section, just check dump.php for your totals.

« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2007, 18:25:02 »
aNt1X *
Posts: 4

Thank you very much, i'll give it a try!
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