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Topic: Monowall hangs--possibly related to DNS forwarding  (Read 4264 times)
« on: December 19, 2008, 03:48:45 »
hefferbub *
Posts: 3

We are running 1.3b15 on an ALIX (Netgate m1n1wall) box on a network of about 100 residential computers.  The box has been working great for several months, but in the last few weeks we have been getting "hangs" at least once per day.  I have 2 identical Netgate boxes and have swapped back and forth between them, but both exhibit identical behavior.

When I say hang, I mean that traffic is no longer being forwarded to/from the WAN and it is not possible to reach the web interface.  Rebooting by power cycling the box resolves the problem for a while.  Nothing of interest appears in the logs (we enabled remote syslog).

We made one change recently that corresponds to the start of this problem--we enabled DNS forwarding.  We have one internal email/web server which is on the list of exceptions for DNS forwarding, with two different host names with the same IP address on the internal NATed subnet attached to the LAN port:


If it matters, this host is double-homed on a different publicly-accessible subnet which is not attached to the monowall.  This subnet used to be attached to the 3rd LAN interface of monowall, but we have since disconnected it (although the configuration entries for that interface were not removed until today).

Can you recommend any avenues to explore to determine the cause of this phenomenon?  Is there a way to improve the logging (the logs always seem to get cleared with the reboot--is there some way to have them persist locally between reboots)?  If we attach to the serial port of the box, could we see anything useful?

Obviously, disabling DNS forwarding would be a good test, but we need to provide this functionality somehow to keep our network operating.

Any suggestions will be welcome. 


« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2008, 04:53:28 »
foilpan *
Posts: 18

i just started experiencing the same thing. a handful of nat rules, m0n0 1.3b15 just installed on a net4801 (upgraded from 1.3b13 that had the same issue), and dns forwarding enabled for use of my servers within the LAN.

we started noticing issues after setting a nat rule to port forward a small port range for jabber services. after upgrading from b13 to b15, there's no change.

i have to toggle dns forwarding to get things going again.

how do i resolve this without having to keep toggling dns forwarding? i need it active.


(update: i'm trying b14 for now to see if it actually runs with dns forwarding enabled. will report back…)
« Last Edit: December 20, 2008, 05:23:21 by foilpan »
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2008, 18:07:10 »
hefferbub *
Posts: 3

This problem turns out to have not been caused by DNS forwarding.  It seems to be some kind of incompatibility between the LAN port and the Zyxel 1528 switch we recently installed. 

The link seems to have been constantly re-negotiating between the two, as indicated by lots of messages like "vr0: state set to UP" in the logs.  We (for now) have put another simple switch between the monowall and the Zyxel and the unit has been up for over 6 days.

I wonder if there are some weaknesses in the auto-negotiation function, either in NedBSD or in the chipset driver?  I say this because we have also seen on the WAN link, a failure to automatically negotiate a full-duplex connection with the fiber termination device it is attached to.

In any case, at some point, I will experiment with forcing the speed and duplex settings by hand-editing the monowall config file, and see how that works. But for now, I'm glad to have some stability!


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