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Topic: Captive Portal - Additional Files not loading  (Read 3789 times)
« on: January 05, 2009, 00:02:38 »
dNide *
Posts: 14

I have a pretty peculiar problem with how the Captive Portal handles the additional files uploaded by the File Manager.

When I create a simple HTML authentication file that makes use of multiple images and a style sheet and upload them all onto my Monowall box, I've noticed that when the captive portal is running that the authentication html file loads fine and that the external files (such as images and style sheets) are a crap shot.  Sometimes they (the external files) all load up, other times a few load up.

It is peculiar because there is no really consistency of what external file loads at any given time.  And even more so the files that do not load up during the authentication portion of the captive portal, will load fine if I enter that one element in a browsers address bar.

Does anyone have a solution to this or know of previous build of Monowall whose captive portal woks fine?

« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2009, 05:34:29 »
dNide *
Posts: 14

It looks like I "solved" this issue and it really isn't a bug as much as a need to adjust the default settings.

I guess most browsers now days have a high concurrent connection setting, which means that unless the monowall defaults for the "Maximum concurrent connections" settings are not increased then the browsers (IE7, FireFox, Chrome) are denied access to the images. 

I'm surprised that the browser either doesn't take a little longer to load the page or monowall doesn't let the browser know that it needs to take a little longer.  I think the latter is something that can be implemented in future versions of monowall.

Personally I would like to keep the concurrent connections low and have the server (monowall) let the browser know that the image is still being processed to be served.
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