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Topic: Porting m0n0 to OpenBSD  (Read 14629 times)
« on: February 04, 2009, 21:37:20 »
jaquez *
Posts: 2


I am porting m0n0 to OpenBSD 4.3 running apache without chroot, and after i have setup *php with 755 permision, with all the *inc in the due place and /conf/config.xml with the default config, the index.php is giving me the following error:

# php index.php
<html><head><title>401 Unauthorized</title></head><body><h3>401 Unauthorized</h3>Authorization required.</body></html>

I know OpenBSD has no support. But maybe somebody will help me to figure out the solution to this problem.

Thanks in advance,
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2009, 23:01:03 »
jaquez *
Posts: 2

I can see that the problem is with

If i comment the line 45 in


I can access the webGui, obviously without authentication, but thats no the problem, I want to make my own authentication. The problem is that I can't see the left menu, but I can navigate the php's very well and I can even add rules:


What do I need to get the menu in the left? Or which is the php or inc that handle the left menu?

Thanks in advance,
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