I'm currently testing out some opensource firewalls. It has come down to m0n0wall and pfsense and one thing has been driving me crazy.
I am deploying a wireless gateway, but the problem is two sets of users will be using this network. Faculty and staff. Faculty will and can authenticate to my Windows NPS server (IAS), but I need the students to authenticate to the university's main radius server. Is it possible to have two different radius servers to use in the captive portal? If it authenticates to one and fails have it try the second?
The other option is set up two different captive portals as defined in this thread:
http://forum.pfsense.org/index.php/topic,5368.0.htmlIs it possible to have the radius client send a certain radius attribute to the server based on the page its being sent from? Or even a form field (drop down box)?
Windows Radius server doesn't have the ability to authenticate against itself first and then proxy the request, its either one or the other.