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Topic: Wireless Intel 2200BG & Atheros AR9220 not reconized  (Read 10442 times)
« on: April 24, 2009, 15:41:40 »
mandhyl *
Posts: 2

Forwarded from the m0n0 Mailling List:

Hello everyone,

I have buy a wireless minipci card based on a Atheros AR9220 chipset
for my PcEngines Alix 2d1 board, but she's not detected by the latest
beta version of m0n0wall...

I think: You have a bad luck, your card is not suported by ath
driver of FreeBSD 6.3, try with pfSense...

No more results, before drop the card to the recycle bin, I have took a
Intel Pro Wireless 2200BG minipci card from a laptop, she is officialy
supported by FreeBSD since his 6.3 version, iwi driver. The Intel card
is'nt reconized too...

Both cards tested with a lot of versions (some old embedded and betas)
of m0n0 or pfsense, the cards stay invisible.

The logs, on last version of m0n0wall (1.3b16) and intel card, says:

pci0: <network> at device 12.0 (no driver attached)

Today I have updated the bios of my Alix board (from 0.99 to 0.99h), the
two wireless cards no more works on this configuration...

So, what can I do ?

Thanks for your usefull replies
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2009, 17:33:13 »
dotdash *
Posts: 20

There is no support for n chipsets yet in FreeBSD. You'll have to wait to use the Atheros n card. As for the Intel 2200, they can be made to work- see the iwi manpage or this post on the pfSense board for more info,13427.0.html
The Intel card is of little use though, as it does not support AP mode. Netgate has some cheap, supported Atheros cards that work well in the Alix.

« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2009, 18:01:17 »
mandhyl *
Posts: 2

All right, many thanks for this informations.
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2011, 13:54:09 »
kabelwalter *
Posts: 2

Hello Board!

I'm new here and with the sensational m0n0wall  Cool

There is no support for n chipsets yet in FreeBSD. You'll have to wait to use the Atheros n card.

Is this still the relevant state?
I tried these days the Beta-Version "generic-pc-serial-1.8.0b477.img" with this hardware:
ALIX.2D13 (with latest Bios  v0.99h) and Wistron DNMA92 802.11a/b/g/n (with Atheros AR9220 chipset).
During the boot process the card is identified:

ath0: <Atheros 9280> mem 0xe00c0000-0xe00cffff irq 9 at device 12.0 on pci0
ath0: [ITHREAD]
ath0: AR9280 mac 128.2 RF5133 phy 13.0

Sadly the card is not available in the webGUI of m0n0wall.

Is there a possibility I possibly missed to activate the WLAN card in m0n0wall?


« Reply #4 on: August 27, 2011, 14:37:01 »
Manuel Kasper
Posts: 364

Is this still the relevant state?
I tried these days the Beta-Version "generic-pc-serial-1.8.0b477.img" with this hardware:
ALIX.2D13 (with latest Bios  v0.99h) and Wistron DNMA92 802.11a/b/g/n (with Atheros AR9220 chipset).
During the boot process the card is identified:

ath0: <Atheros 9280> mem 0xe00c0000-0xe00cffff irq 9 at device 12.0 on pci0
ath0: [ITHREAD]
ath0: AR9280 mac 128.2 RF5133 phy 13.0

Sadly the card is not available in the webGUI of m0n0wall.

Is there a possibility I possibly missed to activate the WLAN card in m0n0wall?

In the 1.8 betas, wireless interfaces are treated a bit differently since it is now possible to create multiple SSIDs on some WLAN cards. You need to create an SSID on the "WLANs" tab of the Interfaces -> Assign page first, then you can assign the SSID to an optional interface. Check if your WLAN card appears in the parent interface selection popup menu if you try to create a new WLAN - it should, since it was recognized by the kernel...
« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2011, 00:28:12 »
kabelwalter *
Posts: 2

thank you for your assistance!  Cheesy
The WLAN Interface is now visible at the Status/Interface page:

WiFi interface
Status    no carrier
MAC address    00:0b:6b:02:04:1f
IPv6 address    fe80::20b:6bff:fe02:41f%wlan0/64
Media    autoselect <hostap>
Channel    3
SSID    Softwareaudioconsole
In/out packets    0/0 (0 bytes/7 KB)
In/out errors    0/0
Collisions    0

Although I've tried something I could not put the WLAN into operation.
I can not detect the WLAN carrier on my Notebook I use for check (with the isSIDDer programm).

What is the next to transmit the WLAN carrier?

« Reply #6 on: November 15, 2011, 02:54:53 »
pacco *
Posts: 3

I had  the  same  probklme  pls  help...
« Reply #7 on: December 10, 2012, 17:00:59 »
iridris ***
Posts: 145

thank you for your assistance!  Cheesy
The WLAN Interface is now visible at the Status/Interface page:

WiFi interface
Status    no carrier
MAC address    00:0b:6b:02:04:1f
IPv6 address    fe80::20b:6bff:fe02:41f%wlan0/64
Media    autoselect <hostap>
Channel    3
SSID    Softwareaudioconsole
In/out packets    0/0 (0 bytes/7 KB)
In/out errors    0/0
Collisions    0

Although I've tried something I could not put the WLAN into operation.
I can not detect the WLAN carrier on my Notebook I use for check (with the isSIDDer programm).

What is the next to transmit the WLAN carrier?

Were you ever able to get that WLAN card to work? What about with the latest betas that are now FreeBSD 8.3?? I'm looking at getting this setup as well.
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