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Topic: FTP broken with m0n0 wall, all recent versions  (Read 5241 times)
« on: April 28, 2009, 21:21:14 »
Posts: 8


A few months ago i noticed this on the 1.x versions but blamed it on my modem. That didn't solve things though. I've been testing a bit with it and it seems that uploading amounts of small files say 5MB of php files (which are like 1000 files or whatever) the FTP connection dies after a few seconds. Always after maybe 20 seconds.

Since i first noticed this i have had 3 different modems, i switched ISPs and also experimented with pfSense, which i use now. And using pfSense the FTP works fine, when i put m0n0 back to work it's broken again.

I have an 10/1.5Mbit cable connection and before i had 20/2Mbit DSL.

The hardware: Soekris 4801 (as most will know; embedded pc, 266mhz, 128mb ram, 2GB flash)

Anyone else have troubles with this? Any sollution? I've tried the stable release and various beta's but nothing seems to help.
Again, using pfSense everything works. But that software is really a bit too heavy for the Soekris. Also i just prefer m0n0wall for its cool look and sexy software setup.

Any help appreciated.
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2009, 09:50:10 »
lobo *
Posts: 2

I have the same problem! I use different Dell 1u servers but the problem is on all of them. I wonder if this is a Broadcom issue? Anyway, I to blame the ISP but the problem is still there with the new ISP. I have gone from 2/2 SHDSL to 10/10 fiber. Same problem. Cant get any good outgoing traffic. I have many different locations; I have one 100 Mb fiber connection witch gives me 1 mbit upload, One 10 Mb fiber connection witch gives me 200 k upload and one 1/1 SHDSL witch gives me 20 k upload. I have tried with the latest beta release with no luck. If I cant find a solution to this I have to trash all my Monowall and that is a shame since I have used this the last 5 years.... Anyone who has a solution??? Please....

Btw: When you open a PPTP connection (from outside) to one of the Monowalls I get full outgoing and incomming speed. Not from the inside (Lan) and not thru IPsec. This is not only restricted to FTP it is on all outgoing traffic Sad
« Last Edit: May 07, 2009, 10:31:09 by lobo »
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2009, 09:55:47 »
Posts: 8

Yup, i trashed my m0n0wall, and the soekris alltogether. Since there is no proper alternative for the platform (pfSense is too heavy for a 266mhz/128ram).

I'm on a very limited Airport Extreme now... Sad
« Reply #3 on: May 08, 2009, 22:30:14 »
knightmb ****
Posts: 341

I've been using FTP for years without any issues, passive/active transfer easy. That's been since the early 1.2X days, so maybe a better explanation of what kind of FTP issue you are having and the issue can be resolved.

Radius Service for m0n0wall Captive Portal -
« Reply #4 on: May 11, 2009, 09:09:12 »
lobo *
Posts: 2

Finally problem solved! Grin Seems like ther still is an problem with Monowall and Broadcom.
I used a new 1U Dell R200 as my main FW with Ipsec to all my other location. I have tried a fresh install and everything, but nothing solved the problem. I then switched to an old 1U Dell SC with intel cards and the problem is gone!
« Reply #5 on: May 11, 2009, 09:18:01 »
Posts: 8

Lucky for me the Soekris has Intel chips... So it's not just broadcom...
« Reply #6 on: July 23, 2009, 13:34:43 »
lrvv *
Posts: 1

Lucky for me the Soekris has Intel chips... So it's not just broadcom...
I am also.
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