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Topic: DHCP Relay not working for Windows!?  (Read 4794 times)
« on: May 12, 2009, 09:46:59 »
DaCookie4u *
Posts: 5

Hey everybody,

I got a little problem regarding dhcp relay. Setup is as followed:

LAN-NET <--[ethernet]--eth0> m0n0wall <eth1--[ethernet]--> AccessPoint <--[wireless]--> Clients

There is a W2k3 DHCP-Server on the LAN-Net with a scope for the subnet on the eth1 interface of the m0n0wall. The AP is configured with nothing but a SSID and WPA with a PSK.

Now to the tests I did.

1. iPhone with DHCP enabled as client works perfect. DHCP-Packets are being received and forwarded by m0n0wall.
2. Windows XP with DHCP does not work. DHCP-Packets are not forwarded to the LAN-Segment as far as I can tell. (DHCP-Server does not receive any, but they are on the air. I did some sniffing on the wireless and on the ethernet interface of the dhcp-server)
3. Windows XP with static IP works just fine. I am able communicate with all my equipment.

I haven't got a Linux wireless machine at spare atm, so I need to postpone that test. I noticed that the Windows DHCP-Request differ (slightly) from the way the iPhone requests an IP-Adress. Maybe that has something to do with it.

I wonder if there is someone out there having the same trouble as I do.

btw: My own Machine is not the only one having this problem. All wireless Windows Clients in my company have the same problem

I do have another segment with VoIP-Phones in a seperate Subnet. I configured DHCP-Relay for that interface the same way I did for the WLAN-Interface and they work just fine too (just like the iphone).

In case you wonder if the problem might be the AP. It is configured in Bridge mode (it does NOT have any routing capabilities). Also I plugged the ethernet Port of my Laptop into a phone-port and same problem as before. I do not get an IP address via DHCP, but a static address in the appropriate subnet works just fine.

I really hope there are some answers out there, cause I am running out of ideas here Smiley Maybe there is some way to tell Windows to behave like every other way regarding DHCP-Requests ... probably not? Wink

Best regards and thanks for any hints,
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2009, 10:02:12 »
DaCookie4u *
Posts: 5

Dang, there I was sure I tested every possible problem and here I am. A minute after posting I got it to work.

I rechecked the DHCP-Server config and everything seemed fine. Just out of curiosity I told the DHCP-Server to accept BOOTP too, and here I go! I do not know why I need to activate this since the request made by my windows PC looks just like a normal DHCP-Packet and the iPhone did work without it, but it is working now.

I chose to rather post the solution, than to delete this thread since there may be some people out there having a similar problem at some time. But maybe a moderator would be so kind as to move this topic to the appropiate place (like configuration and not bugs).

And maybe there is someone out there able and willing to tell me where I mislead my thoughts.

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