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Topic: Need some help getting the Captive Portal going  (Read 3530 times)
« on: April 16, 2007, 22:35:55 »
ineloquucius *
Posts: 12

I know there's a special section for it, but it doesn't seem to get much traffic.

I'm not looking for anything complex, I just want the basic, basic functionality of requiring users to authenticate in order to browse.

What I've done:

1) uploaded 3 different html files (including the example right on the CP config page)

2) uploaded an error page

3) created users "x" and "y" with pwords "x" and "y" respectively,  right from the monowall user page.

What happens:

1) it opens any of the above authentication pages, as uploaded, and waits for my credentials

2) I enter "x" and "x" or "y" and "y" per above users and p-words.

    a) if I enter incorrectly, I DO get the error page;  good.

    b) if I enter correctly, I get challenged again, each time I do.  In other words: it doesn't show the error page but keeps me at the authentication page even though the credentials are correct.

A little help?

Much appreciated.
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2007, 23:45:49 »
cmb *****
Posts: 851

Gets plenty of traffic, not much from people able or willing to answer I guess. I answer most of the questions here and I don't use CP so I can't answer those questions. Please don't post CP questions elsewhere on the forum.

I would suggest trying the mailing list, it seems CP questions always get answers on the list. Those people obviously haven't made their way over here.
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2007, 06:18:39 »
ineloquucius *
Posts: 12

Well, I've switched to pfSense, but I think the following should help any poor soul that has suffered this (though I may well be talking to myself) as I have.

In my test environment (i.e. kitchen and living room) my workstations are connected via wifi.  My access point is a SveaSoft converted WRT54G (google it if this is greek).  As it happens--and I haven't quite narrowed this down--the access point is somehow being registered--rather than the workstation--in the captive portal table.  Yet when it comes time to browse, the AP sees the workstation and demands authentication, only to then see the access point.  Thus I keep getting challenged, despit e the accepted credentials.  I tested this by connecting a wired workstation and confirmed it.

Having said this, the WRT54G is not in fact an access point--it's a crappy router wannabe for mommies and daddies.  The SveaSoft component changes things a bit, but still, I find no service or functionality that suggests that a MAC translation should be performed.

« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2007, 21:23:50 »
satlizard26 *
Posts: 26

The captive portal functions the way you explianed, it can even if your using a radius server, limit bandwidth, session timeouts, expiry and keep accounting data.

Ok back to the point...! What version are you using...? There was a problem with the captive portal authentication in the earlier version, both 1.2 and 1.3 where account data wasn't reflected and the local and radius buttons was switched around.

I've used the captive portal in version 1.2b1 1.23 and 1.231 and both these version works as expected, with the local and radius server as authentication mechanism.

Your captive portal should however contain this pice of code....!

<form method="post" action="$PORTAL_ACTION$">
   <input name="auth_user" type="text">
   <input name="auth_pass" type="password">
   <input name="redirurl" type="hidden" value="$PORTAL_REDIRURL$">
   <input name="accept" type="submit" value="Continue">

Hope this help.

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