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Topic: Bridging WAN with OPT1 doesn't work on ALIX  (Read 3125 times)
« on: June 16, 2009, 16:17:34 »
BonneComm *
Posts: 2

On an ALIX 2D1 with 3 ethernet ports, with vr0 as LAN, vr1 as WAN and vr2 as OPT1, when I tell OPT1 to Bridge with WAN, no traffic passes. I have global pass-thru (i.e. pass anything) on both WAN and OPT1 in the firewall rules. When I look at the Interface Status, it tells me that OPT1 is "down". This is true on 3 different ALIX boards, and happens when I swap vr0 and vr2 with each other (i.e. LAN is on vr2 and OPT1 is on vr0).
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2009, 01:52:05 »
roosterdude *
Posts: 14

Hasn't this been fixed now with the latest betas (1.3b17 onwards) due to the excellent work by Chris Buechler in replacing the legacy BRIDGE with if_bridge?
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2009, 23:19:21 »
mheartwood *
Posts: 14

It is indeed fixed for the most part in 1.3b18. I'm using an ALIX 2D3 and trying it out. Found another problem though. DHCP doesn't seem to pass through the if_bridge. I'm still looking at this though.

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