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Topic: Decreasing the 1.3 WRAP image  (Read 5945 times)
« on: August 17, 2009, 16:44:10 »
Muhammad *
Posts: 3

My Wrap has 32Mb RAM and I use CM9 Neweb wireless card. unfortunately M0n0 1.2 can't detect the wireless driver, and 1.3 can't be install on 32MB RAM systems.
So I need to decreae 1.3 to work with 32MB Ram, or add that driver to Monwall 1.2. Please help me which is possible and how I can?
Thanks a lot!
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2009, 06:26:47 »
fordprefect *
Posts: 10


I suppose you mean you got a 32 MB CF card? Because as far as I know all WRAP boards got 64-128 MB RAM. In that case it is probably easier to simply upgrade to a CF card with a higher storage capacity.
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